Techno birds is a project about dyslexia.

I’ve recently been diagnosed with dyslexia. I’ve spent my childhood in Belgrade, Serbia where the school system was very poorly organized during the turbulent nineties. Therefore, my teacher was unable to recognize that I had dyslexia. This made me frustrated with my inability to study as easily as my peers did. I was completely unaware that the problem I was facing each and every day had a name. This affected my confidence deeply and I constantly felt like I was behind others. I also developed ways to avoid reading in front of my friends. I didn’t know that there was a reason why the letters and words on paper seemed like they were moving and shaking right before my eyes. I felt like a bird that was imprisoned in a cage. The only way to escape was through art. I focused on my own artistic expression through photography. For this photo series called Techno Birds, I visited the zoological gardens in Belgrade and Amsterdam. I focused on all of the trapped birds that spent their lives locked in cages, living away from their own kind. Subsequently, I would alter the images by creating collages and painting over them. My aim is to show that freedom can come from the inside too. I wanted this project to open up a discussion on living with dyslexia. I wanted it to show the freedom that comes with self-acceptance, the one that comes from within when no hiding and no fear of judgment exist anymore. The series was made in order to celebrate freedom and leaving our burdens behind, no matter how different we might be from the mainstream